St. Mary of the Mount Church & St. Adalbert Church
Confirmation preparation begins for most in the fall of ninth grade. It includes fifteen small group sessions (half with parent or sponsor, half with peers and facilitator only), participation in a N.E.T. Retreat, a day of research and prayer at Epiphany Academy, five hours of service, and a personal interview with the pastor.
A full schedule will be sent upon receipt of your registration. To register, or for more information, please contact the Faith Formation Office (see below)
Mary, Queen of Peace invites a N.E.T. Team (National Evangelization Team) to our parish once a year to lead our middle and high schoolers in a day of retreat. N.E.T.'s mission is "to challenge young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church." Because all N.E.T. team members are young adults (18-28, in this case), the teams connect authentically and dynamically with our youth. A typical N.E.T. Retreat includes skits, personal testimony by a team member, small group discussion, games, and a moving prayer experience. The retreat is required for our Confirmation candidates, as well as our seventh and eighth graders in Children and Family Ministry, but is open to all in seventh through eleventh grade.
For more information, please contact Holly Mohr.